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Hidden Beaches

Hidden Beaches


End:Wilder Ranch State Park
3 - 5Days,11Stops,453Miles
Backyard Photography/Getty Images
Buyenlarge/Getty Images
Mind’s Eye Manufactory
Ryan J. Lane/Getty Images
Mattole River
CampPhoto/Getty Images
Benbow Historic Inn
Pierre-Olivier Fortin/Getty Images
Westport-Union Landing State Beach
George Ward/Alamy
Bowling Ball Beach
Piriya Photography/Getty Images
Bill Oxford/Getty Images
Kirby Cove
Moment/Getty Images
Cowell Ranch Beach
Hue Nguyen/Getty Images
Wilder Ranch State Park
Andrei Stanescu/Getty Images
Stop 1


409 Trinity St, Trinidad

Trinidad 当风景如画的海岬与点缀着海浪雕刻的海蚀柱的茶杯般的港口相撞时会发生什么. One of Northern California’s prettiest villages, 这片海滨飞地是探索海底的绝佳基地 Redwood Coast or staying local and discovering under-the-radar beaches. 在Stagecoach路外,森林小径穿过麋鹿头悬崖,向下延伸到僻静的地方 College Cove Beach. 躺在沙滩上,欣赏树木覆盖的壮丽景色 Pewetole Island and offshore sea stacks. At Sue-meg State Park (原帕特里克角州立公园),在这里寻找海磨玛瑙和月光石 Agate Beach, then climb to the top of Wedding Rock. Without leaving town, you can kayak around Trinidad Bay to see seabirds, seals, and tide pool creatures, or hike to the top of Trinidad Head to scan for whales. Afterward, refuel at the Lighthouse Grill 配上土豆泥华夫饼蛋筒,里面有培根和奶酪. 回家的路上,在你的车里装上熏过的、用绳子钓的海鲜 Katy’s Smokehouse.

Stop 2



To drive over the Eel River into idyllic Ferndale feels like a trip through time; the quaint town embodies big charm. 街道两旁是漆得错综复杂的维多利亚式房屋,配有塔楼和装饰. In the 19th century, 蓬勃发展的乳制品业让富裕的农民建造了辉煌的庄园,被称为“乳脂宫”.“游客们可以在这个可爱得不可思议的地方呆上一天,成为自己的乳制品女王(或国王) Gingerbread Mansion Inn. 不要错过免费的下午茶和葡萄酒服务在玫瑰花丛充满的英式花园.

Plan your visit

Stop 4

Mattole River

Mattole River

On the northern end of California’s remote Lost Coast, the King Range Conservation Area 用很大的字体写着“壮丽的海岸”,山峰耸立在海拔4000英尺的地方. 在马托尔河海滩(Mattole River Beach)感受一下这个地区的风情,从101号国道出发,这是一段狭窄而蜿蜒的车程. The river’s sandy mouth is prime beachcombing terrain, 这里有移动的沙丘和不断补充的浮木. 到这里是一个承诺——从芬代尔开车40英里需要90分钟——所以考虑在14个地点过夜 Mattole Campground. In the morning, hike south for 3.5 miles to the abandoned lighthouse at Punta Gorda, 从1912年到1951年,是什么警告船只远离这片岩石海岸, when it was replaced by an offshore navigational beacon.

Stop 6

Westport-Union Landing State Beach

25000 Hillshore Dr, Westport

Thirty miles north of Mendocino lies three-mile-long Westport Union-Landing State Beach这是一片荒凉的沙滩,背后是白浪. The water is too rough and cold for swimming, 但海滩是捕捉原始而浪漫的海岸线和古老的近海岩石照片的好地方, or taking long walks searching for washed-up treasures. 整天在沙滩上留下脚印,然后支起帐篷过夜. 三个独立的露营地沿着悬崖排列,俯瞰太平洋, all perfectly positioned for sunsets. 在春天和夏天,早起观看冲浪渔民拖着产卵的鱼群. (If you’re not into camping, book a room at Howard Creek Ranch Inn’s 海滨农舍,在那里你可以享受丰盛的早餐和美丽的花园.)

Stop 7

Bowling Ball Beach

Coast Hwy, Point Arena

在寂静的波因特竞技场(Point Arena),匆忙是不受欢迎的,而品味是受欢迎的. Its five-block-long main drag has an outstanding bakery—Franny’s Cup and Saucer—and the art-filled supper club Bird Café, but the most alluring attraction is Bowling Ball Beach, 3.5 miles south of town. Check your tide table before you go. During very low or minus tides, walk north from Schooner Gulch State Beach (沿着悬崖小径或沿着沙滩行走)不到一英里就能看到令人惊叹的圆形岩石组合, formed by millions of years of weathering. 这些奇怪的球形“球”实际上是固结物——在构成悬崖的沉积岩中发现的胶结得非常好的聚集体. Over the eons, 周围较软的岩石在太平洋不断的冲击下被侵蚀掉了, leaving the tougher “bowling balls” behind.

Stop 8



On the Sonoma County coast在美国,你会发现一个又一个美丽的海滩——多到难以选择. For residents of Gualala, a local favorite is Cooks Beach这是一个波涛汹涌的口袋海滩,嬉戏的海豹和海狮在海浪中游泳. (The Fish Rock sea lion rookery is just north of here.)这个对狗友好的海滩有可靠的“香蕉带”阳光,并且不受该地区频繁的海岸风的影响. To get there, head north of town and hike the Bonham Trail 穿过风吹日晒的毕夏普松林,然后走下通往悬崖的台阶. 在退潮时,寻找潮池珍宝和海湾南侧的一个小海洞. Just across the road, sleep deeply in one of St. Orres’ 俄罗斯风格的小屋,它们的建筑是对海岸毛皮贸易过去的致敬.

Stop 9

Kirby Cove

Kirby Cove Road, Mill Valley

Just north of San Francisco lie the Marin Headlands, a spectacular tract of coastal land that is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Despite the proximity of the city, 这是一片荒凉而富有戏剧性的土地,有着刀锋般的悬崖和陡峭的山坡, chaparral-covered slopes. 沿着蜿蜒的康泽尔曼路行驶到Kirby Cove的起点, one of the best places to photograph the Golden Gate Bridge这是旧金山最受欢迎的工程奇迹和标志性艺术作品. 一英里的徒步旅行通向一个壮观的海湾,在那里,旧金山的天际线令人眼花缭乱,奇妙的桥闪闪发光, just waiting for you to snap and post. 提前计划好预定一个露营地(只有五个),然后在那里过夜. While you’re in the headlands, visit the Point Bonita Lighthouse, accessed via a suspension footbridge, or tour the Marine Mammal Center 看受伤的海豹和海狮得到照顾,然后放回野外.

Stop 10

Cowell Ranch Beach

Cowell Ranch Access, Half Moon Bay

旧金山南部是荒凉崎岖的圣马特奥海岸, where dozens of beaches can be accessed only by walking. Wind-lashed headlands are crowned with grassy terraces, and sandstone cliffs drop abruptly to the ocean. Near downtown Half Moon Bay, a half-mile hike leads to the secluded cove at Cowell Ranch State Beach, a wildly beautiful meeting of land and sea. 从上面欣赏海滩,或者爬下楼梯建造一些沙堡. When you’ve had your fill of salty air, 前往半月湾(又名“世界南瓜之都”)的主街,在这里选择炸鱼和薯条 Flying Fish Grill and bangers and brews at Sacrilege Brewing.

Stop 11

Wilder Ranch State Park

1401 Coast Rd, Santa Cruz

在充满活力的圣克鲁斯市北部的高速公路两侧,绵延数英里的球芽甘蓝田. Stop at Wilder Ranch State Park for a 1.沿着海岸悬崖漫步2英里,经过汹涌的海浪和潜水的海鸟. 沿着老登陆湾小径到达奥隆布拉夫斯小径 Fern Grotto Beach在那里,一个隐蔽的蕨类植物覆盖的洞穴由地下泉水提供水源. 留出一点额外的时间去探索公园的历史建筑, which include an 1859 Greek Revival farmhouse, an 1897 Queen Anne Victorian, and several dairy barns and outbuildings. 在1号高速公路东侧,怀尔德牧场35英里的单轨和丘陵牧场公路是山地自行车爱好者的天堂.

Road Trip Snapshot

了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? Print the itinerary or map your adventure to get started.

Stop 1Trinidad
409 Trinity St, Trinidad
Stop 2Ferndale
SPOTLIGHTMind’s Eye Manufactory
393 Main St, Ferndale
    Stop 4Mattole River
    Mattole River
    Stop 6Westport-Union Landing State Beach
    25000 Hillshore Dr, Westport
    Stop 7Bowling Ball Beach
    Coast Hwy, Point Arena
    Stop 8Gualala
    Stop 9Kirby Cove
    Kirby Cove Road, Mill Valley
    Stop 10Cowell Ranch Beach
    Cowell Ranch Access, Half Moon Bay
    Stop 11Wilder Ranch State Park
    1401 Coast Rd, Santa Cruz

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